Certification programme
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EHP001 Straight Pipes

Accredited certificates for the quality assessment of factory-made district heating pipe, fitting and valve assemblies.

EHP001 Straight Pipes
List of certificates
Certification Guideline
Certification Bodies & Testing Institutes
Application form
Scope of the programme

Euroheat & Power’s EHP001 Certification Scheme covers factory-made district heating pipe, fitting and valve assemblies for single and twin pipe systems. It is destined to materials manufactured in accordance with:

  • EN 253 “District heating pipes - Bonded single pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks - Factory made pipe assembly of steel service pipe, polyurethane thermal insulation and a casing of polyethylene”,  
  • EN 448 “District heating pipes - Bonded single pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks - Factory made fitting assemblies of steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and a casing of polyethylene”,  
  • EN 488-1 “Factory made steel valve assembly for steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and a casing of polyethylene,” 
  • EN 488-2 “Factory made steel valve assembly for draining and venting, polyurethane thermal insulation and a casing of polyethylene”, 
  • EN 14419 “District heating pipes - Bonded single and twin pipe systems for buried hot water networks - Surveillance systems,” 
  • EN 15698-1 “District heating pipes - Bonded twin pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks - Part 1: Factory made twin pipe assembly of steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and one casing of polyethylene,” 
  • EN 15698-2 “District heating pipes - Bonded twin pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks - Part 2: Factory made fitting and valve assemblies of steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and one casing of polyethylene,” 
  • EN ISO 9001 “Quality management systems – Requirements”, 
  • EN ISO/IEC 17020, “Conformity assessment - Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection”, 
  • EN ISO/IEC 17025, “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”, 
  • EN ISO/IEC 17065, “Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services”. 
Manufacturers with EHP001 certificates
Certification Guidelines
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EHP001 certification guideline

Approved by the Euroheat & Power Certification Board


This document replaces EHP001:2016.

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EHP001 certification guideline

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Certification involves confirmation from an independent third party that a product conforms to the requirements stipulated in standards1

This document is not concerned with requirements on environmental or quality system certification; or whether companies operate structured environmental/quality management work. These may, however, constitute a procurement criterion for a buyer. 

Through this guideline, manufacturers of district heating pipes, fittings and valves are offered the possibility to certify their product and benefit from the Euroheat & Power Quality Mark. These certification regulations define the: 1

  • conditions for certification,  
  • stipulations for the implementation of the certification procedure. 

The technical requirements for the product, type test requirements, requirements on the manufacturer’s quality control during production and the periodical external inspection requirements are included in the European Standards. They are, therefore, part of the normative requirements to obtain the Quality Mark. 

Certification according to this guideline represents a common tool for the procurement of standardised EN 253, EN 448, EN 488-1, EN 488-2, EN 14419, EN 15698-1 and EN 15698-2 products. 

It should be noted, however, that the guideline cannot cover all possible special cases for which further or restrictive measures may be required. Accordingly, they are not intended to hinder the development of new and better products. 

Certification does not absolve any party of responsibility for their own actions. Euroheat & Power disclaims any liability in connection with the use of the certification and/or the application of the certification guideline by its members or third parties. Furthermore, Euroheat & Power cannot be held responsible for any mismanagement (financial or otherwise) on the part of the Certification Board. 

All manufactures of factory-made thermal insulated pipe, fitting and valve assemblies are encouraged to apply the certification procedure according to this guideline. 

Euroheat & Power recommends that its member associations refer to this guideline for the procurement of standardised EN 253, EN 448, EN 488-1, EN 488-2, EN 14419, EN 15698-1 and EN 15698- 2 products. 

Concerning the products which fall under the scope of this guideline (see clause 2 of the guideline), Euroheat & Power strongly encourages its member associations to recommend the use and purchase of certified products to their membership. 

It is also recommended that the Euroheat & Power certificate be part of the requirements on invitations to tender documents for district heating companies. 

For procurements falling under Public Procurement Directive 2004/17/EC, either a Euroheat & Power certificate (or equivalent), or a third-party certificate/declaration should be required. Should products which are not included on the Euroheat & Power Certificate list be offered by the bidder, this shall clearly be stated in the bid to avoid confusion. 

A list of manufacturers with the right to use the Euroheat & Power Quality Mark is publicly available and kept up to date on Euroheat & Power’s website. 

The purpose of this guideline is to: 

  • provide a voluntary certification system which is cost effective and beneficial to both manufacturers and users, 
  • provide an easy way for users to obtain required assurance of the sufficient quality of the products by introducing a Certificate and a Quality Mark, 
  • ensure the required quality of products mentioned in clauses 2 and 3, 
  • provide more uniform, equal and fair competition conditions. 

In comparison to EHP/001:2016 the following major changes have been made: 

a) the document structure is improved and adapted to EN standards, 

b) a new clause 1“INTRODUCTION” is included, 

c) content under clause 2 “Purpose” has been displaced to clause 1 “INTRODUCTION.” Previous clause 2 “Purpose” has been deleted, 

d) a new clause 3 “REGULATIONS and NORMATIVE REFERENCES” has been created. References previously included in clause 2 have been moved to clause 3, 

e) a new flow chart of the Certification structure has been included in ANNEX 8


1 Certification of products, processes or services is a means of providing assurance that they comply with specified requirements in standards and other normative documents. Some product, process or service certification schemes may include initial testing or inspection and assessment of its manufacturer's quality management systems, followed by surveillance that takes into account the quality management system and the testing or inspection of samples from the production and the open market. (https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso-iec:17065:ed-1:v1:en)


This certification guideline covers factory-made district heating pipe, fitting and valve assemblies for single and twin pipe systems manufactured according to EN 253, EN 448, EN 488-1, EN 488-2, EN 14419, EN 15698-1 and EN 15698-2. For factory-made steel valve assemblies, the quality assessment in EHP001 only covers the casing and the thermal insulation of polyurethane foam. Note: EHP003 covers the quality assessment of factory-made steel valve

Regulations and normative references

The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. 

  • EN 253 “District heating pipes - Bonded single pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks - Factory made pipe assembly of steel service pipe, polyurethane thermal insulation and a casing of polyethylene”,  
  • EN 448 “District heating pipes - Bonded single pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks - Factory made fitting assemblies of steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and a casing of polyethylene”,  
  • EN 488-1 “Factory made steel valve assembly for steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and a casing of polyethylene,”  
  • EN 488-2 “Factory made steel valve assembly for draining and venting, polyurethane thermal insulation and a casing of polyethylene”,  
  • EN 14419 “District heating pipes - Bonded single and twin pipe systems for buried hot water networks - Surveillance systems,”  
  • EN 15698-1 “District heating pipes - Bonded twin pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks - Part 1: Factory made twin pipe assembly of steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and one casing of polyethylene,”  
  • EN 15698-2 “District heating pipes - Bonded twin pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks - Part 2: Factory made fitting and valve assemblies of steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and one casing of polyethylene,”  
  • EN 17248 "District heating and district cooling pipe systems - Terms and definitions"  
  • EN ISO 9001 “Quality management systems – Requirements”,  
  • EN ISO/IEC 17020, “Conformity assessment - Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection”,  
  • EN ISO/IEC 17025, “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”, 
  • EN ISO/IEC 17065, “Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services.”
4.1. Certification

Action by an impartial third party that demonstrates that there is reasonable confidence that a properly designated product, process or service is in compliance with a particular standard or other normative document." 

Note: The impartial third party is considered to be the certification body or its auditors. The auditor confirms conformity, if applicable, after appropriate verification of the requirements according to the respective standards.

4.2. Certification Board

Body which has full insight into the certification procedures, investigates complaints, takes the final decision, approves Certification Bodies and ensures that they operate according to this guideline. 

The Certification Board updates the publicly available list of certified products, takes care of matters that can affect this certification programme and updates this guideline. 

Every Euroheat & Power member association has the right to nominate one (1) member to the Certification Board. The members shall be employees of district heating and cooling companies, district heating and cooling associations or testing institutes. Additionally, the Certification Board can invite experts. When matters concerning a specific Certification Body are on the agenda, its representative should take part in that Board meeting. 

The Certification Board meetings shall take place as often as deemed necessary, but at least once a year. The Certification Board shall meet representatives of Certification Bodies at times to discuss experiences and procedures. 

The decisions of the Certification Board are made on a simple majority basis. In case of an even vote, the decision shall be allotted.

4.3. Certification Body

Legal entity which is accredited according to EN ISO/IEC 17065 and approved by the Certification Board which is entrusted with the certification operations and is responsible for reporting to the Certification Board. 

Note: Certification Bodies shall be approved by the EHP Certification Board.

4.4. Inspection Body

Legal entity which executes periodical external inspections on behalf of the Certification Body and shall be accredited according to EN ISO/IEC 17020 as type A. 

Note: Inspection Bodies shall be approved by the Certification Body.

4.5. Test Institute

Legal entity accredited according to EN ISO/IEC 17025 for the relevant methods. It performs: ▪ 

type tests ▪ 

periodical tests of samples taken as part of external inspections. 

If sub-contractors are employed to perform tests, they shall be accredited respectively and approved by the responsible Test Institute. The manufactures shall be informed if a sub-contractor is used. 

Note: Test Institutes shall be approved by the EHP Certification Board.

4.6. Manufacturer

Any natural or legal person who manufactures district heating pipe, fitting and valve assemblies for single and twin pipe systems or has a product designed or manufactured and places it on the market under their own name or trademark. If a manufacturer is granted the right to use the EHP quality mark, then they may also be designated as certificate holder.

5.1. General

In accordance with the scope, all manufacturers shall have equal access to the certification programme mentioned in this guideline under the same conditions (financial and other). 

Technical requirements for pipe, fitting and valve assemblies like the guideline for inspection and testing, are adopted without any changes from EN 253, EN 448, EN 488-1, EN 488-2, EN 14419, EN 15698- 1 and EN 15698-2. 

Note: The guideline for certification and testing is covered in the manufacturer´s type test, the manufacturer´s quality control and external inspection. 

If the manufacturer of factory-made pipe, fitting and valve assemblies does not produce casing pipes, only casing pipes certified by EHP001 shall be used to produce the assemblies covered by a certificate. 

Certificates shall, therefore¸ also be issued to manufacturers who only produce casing pipes. 

The procedure to obtain and uphold a certificate involves:

  • Application, 
  • initial assessment of the application documents, 
  • initial inspection at the production plant, 
  • manufacturer's quality control 
  • periodical external inspections. 

The type testing, initial assessment of documents and initial inspection are performed to obtain an initial validation of materials, products, production processes and the manufacturer's quality control. After successfully passing these procedures, the certificate will be issued. 

If the results of the type tests and inspections do not meet the requirements to obtain a certificate, the applicant shall apply corrective measures. Subsequently, the Certification Body shall determine which parts of the tests and/or inspections shall be repeated.

5.2. Application

Manufacturers shall submit a written application form (1.1) to the Certification Body. 

The application shall be accompanied by technical data (declaration of conformity regarding type test reports, drawings, etc.) according to 5.3.1. 

The application form shall be used to apply for an extension of scope of the existing certificate and in case of changes to the location where the certified product is manufactured.

5.3. Initial assessment of application documents

During the initial assessment, the Certification Body shall examine the documents submitted against the requirements set out in this guideline

5.3.1.Technical data 

The applicant shall present technical data for the product, which includes, (as applicable):  

  • product description, 
  • reference to relevant standards according to clause 3, 
  • type test report,  
  • quality control plan, 
  • Information about the product’s intended marking. 

Note: The report of the initial inspection shall be sent to the Certification Body. Product description 

The product description shall clearly show the number or designation, as well as the date of the last revision. Type test report 

The type test report shall confirm that all the technical requirements set out in ANNEX 1 are fulfilled. The type test report shall not be older than two (2) years at the time of application. 

Type testing is to be carried out in an accredited Test Institute to the extent stated in ANNEX 1. 

Provided that the PE casing materials/manufacturers and the foam system for thermal insulation used to manufacture fitting and valve assemblies are the same as those used to manufacture pipe assemblies, the type test report for pipe assemblies will cover fitting and valve assemblies manufactured in the certified production plant. Otherwise, a specific type test report for the production of fitting and valve assemblies is needed. 

For type test, manufacturers of fitting and valve assemblies shall only use samples taken from pipe assemblies manufactured in the same production plant which use the same foam system for thermal insulation. 

For manufacturers that only produce casing pipes, the type testing consists of PE tests. 

Type test results only apply to products made of the same materials as the type tested products. 

The manufacturer is responsible for sending the samples to the Test Institute and for the associated costs. 

Disclaimer: These fees are determined by and payable to the Certification Body or Test Institute. Euroheat & Power is in no way involved and disclaims any responsibility. Quality control plan 

The quality control plan shall describe the methods and the minimum test frequency applied during the manufacturer’s internal quality control for items described in ANNEX 1 and ANNEX 2. Marking 

Manufacturers have the right to mark the certified products with a certification label (Quality Mark) consisting of a Euroheat & Power logo and a certificate number as set out in ANNEX 6. The certificate number consists of a unique Certification Body number denoted with two digits and a serial number starting from 01.

5.4. Initial inspection at production plant

The initial inspection shall take place at the production plant and provide evidence that the manufacturer meets all the requirements specified in this certification guideline. 

It shall include inspections and checks which are part of the “manufacturer’s type test” and a check of procedures to perform the “manufacturer’s quality control” in accordance with ANNEX 1 and ANNEX 2 (inspections and tests according to “external inspection” are not carried out during the initial inspection but only during periodical inspections).

5.5. Manufacturer’s quality control

The manufacturer’s quality control is performed in order to ensure that certified products continuously meet the requirements of EN 253, EN 448, EN 488-1, EN 488-2, EN 14419, EN 15698-1 and EN 15698-2. The quality control shall consist of tests, measurements and inspections as specified in ANNEX 1 and ANNEX 2. 

The minimum requirements for the quality control (items to be tested and test frequency) are set out in ANNEX 1 and ANNEX 2. The quality control shall be described in a quality control manual or in a similar document. 

Quality control tests and measurements can be performed by the manufacturer or can be outsourced to a subcontractor or test laboratory. 

Test equipment used for internal inspections shall be well-maintained, adjusted and calibrated. 

All quality control tests and measurements shall be documented. They shall provide the following information:

  • test results,  
  • dates, 
  • name of the person who performs the tests and, 
  • measures implemented in accordance with the results. 
  • The above-mentioned documents and the documentation on the manufactured products, materials received and components shall be kept for at least ten (10) years and the Inspection Body shall be given access to them.
5.6. Periodical external inspections

External inspections are performed in order to evaluate the Manufacturer`s continued compliance with all the specified requirements for certification, especially testing frequency, the extent of testing and the proper functioning of the manufacturer's quality control. 

The inspection is to be carried out by the Inspection Body once a year through a visit to the certified production plant at times determined by the Certification Body. 

Checks will be made during the visit to ensure that the Manufacturer's quality control works and is documented as required. Furthermore, the Inspection Body shall carry out testing, inspections and sampling of the certified products according to ANNEX 1 and ANNEX 2. The manufacturer shall work with accredited test laboratories to perform tests on samples taken during the inspection. 

To facilitate the follow up of the quality of the delivered products, the Manufacturer shall keep records of the complaints received and the actions subsequently taken. These records can be checked during external inspections. 

If the Manufacturer employs a quality system according to EN ISO 9001 which is certified by an accredited Certification Body for the certification of quality management systems, the quality control audit can be limited to the inspection of conformity of the quality control plan to this guideline (ANNEX 1 and ANNEX 2), the audit and revision reports. 

The results of the inspection shall be reported in writing to the Manufacturer. 

If inspections, testing and/or the audit of the manufacturer's quality control result in non-conformity, the Certification Body shall initiate an investigation into the causes. The investigation can result in a written caution, a request for corrective action, a new inspection visit, new tests or a request to make changes to the quality control.

5.7. Changes to certified products

Manufacturers shall notify the Certification Body before changes to the design, material or implementation are made. The Certification Body will then determine whether the changes can be accepted without new tests, inspection or revision of the certificate based on the principle described in ANNEX 3.

5.8. Modification of standards and certification guideline

In case of amendment or revision of the relevant EN standards or, of this certification guideline, the Certification Body may require an additional inspection and/or type testing of the changed element(s) to ensure compliance with the revised requirements. The certificate may be eventually re-issued. The certification board shall notify all certification bodies in a timely manner about the transition procedure and timeframe. The Manufacturer shall be given reasonable time to adapt to the revised regulations unless there are special reasons for other action.

6.1. Validity of the certificate

The certificate is issued for one production plant for a period of six (6) full calendar years at a time. It remains valid provided that: 

  • products are made from the type tested materials, ▪ continuous compliance is met according to 5.6 ▪ 
  • the manufacturer’s quality control continuously works as required and documented. 

Every six (6) years a new type test has to be performed in order to re-issue the Certificate. 

Other conditions are evident from 6.2 to 6.12. 

6.2. Responsibility of the Manufacturer

The Manufacturer bears responsibility for ensuring that the products covered by the certificate and which have received the Quality Mark correspond in all respects to the certified product.

6.3. Use of quality mark

The Manufacturer has the right to mark the products covered by the certificate and to use the mark in procurement documents, marketing and advertisement of the certified products. However, care shall be taken to prevent confusion between certified and non-certified products from occurring.

6.4. Certificate

A certificate can cover pipe, fitting and valve assemblies. The certificate only covers the production plant mentioned in the certificate. It cannot, therefore, be transferred to another production plant or manufacturer. 

Note: If a manufacturer has several production plants on different locations, a separate certificate is required for each production plant. 

Valid certificates can be found on Euroheat Power’s website. 

The certificates according to this guideline shall contain at least the following subjects: 

  • Issuing body (here: EHP), ▪ 
  • The certificate number, ▪ 
  • Name of the product(s), ▪ 
  • Reference to this guideline (here: EHP001), ▪ 
  • Certified product(s) (e.g., diameter range, etc.), ▪ 
  • Date the certificate was issued, ▪ 
  • Logo, name and address of the certification body,
  • Validity, ▪ 
  • Date of publication of the standards (e.g., EN 253:2019). 

The template can be found in ANNEX 5. 

The design and the colour of the Quality Mark can be found in ANNEX 6. The size of the mark may be determined by the Manufacturer but care shall be taken to ensure it remains clearly visible and is not distorted.

6.5. Actions in case of non-compliance, non-conformity or misuse of the Certificate or the Quality Mark

Any non-compliance on the part of the manufacturer in the application of this certification guideline or any non-conformity of the products with the specified requirements (e.g., the required minimum test frequency of the quality control is not met or tests on samples taken during external inspections reveal substandard quality), may result in one of the following actions:

  • Implementation of measures by the manufacturer to eliminate identified deviations. The Certification Body may remark and request further corrections, additional/intensified quality control for a specified period, repeated external inspections and/or additional sampling for tests. Related costs shall be met by the manufacturer, ▪ 
  • reduction of the scope of products covered by the certificate,
  • public warning (notify Euroheat & Power members),
  • suspension of the certificate, 
  • withdrawal of the certificate.
6.6. Withdrawal of the certificate

The certification body can, with immediate effect, permanently or temporarily, withdraw the certificate if:

  • the Manufacturer has used the Quality Mark on or in connection with products that do not conform to the requirements, ▪ 
  • the Manufacturer has used the Quality Mark on products that are not covered by the Certificate, ▪ 
  • the manufacturer’s quality control ceases or shows serious defects on products or in performing of quality control, ▪
  •  required corrective actions are not implemented as requested or do not produce the desired effect, ▪ 
  • the manufacturer does not order the required tests for samples taken during the external inspection and deliver them to the Test Institute within one (1) month, ▪ 
  • the Manufacturer, has in any other way, violated the conditions of the Certification Programme, ▪ 
  • the Manufacturer has not paid fees within the prescribed time; or ▪ 
  • the Manufacturer is declared bankrupt, goes into liquidation or transfers its activities, ▪ 
  • inaccuracies in the Certificate are discovered. However, the Manufacturer shall be given reasonable time to adapt to the changed conditions, unless there are special reasons for other action, ▪ 
  • the product is shown to be unsuitable for its purpose and in general can cause injury or damage. 

The Certification Body shall notify the Manufacturer of the withdrawal and provide written justification. In addition to the withdrawal of the Certificate, misuse of the Quality Mark can result in legal action. 

6.7. Obligation in case of withdrawal of the certificate

 Manufacturers who receive notification that the certificate has been withdrawn, permanently or temporarily, shall:

  • immediately stop all reference to the certificate in procurement documents, marketing and advertisement of the product in question, 
  • arrange for the Quality Mark to be removed from all products in stock if so required by the Certification Body.
6.8. Validation of temporarily withdrawn certificates

After the temporary withdrawal of a certificate, the same regulations apply as when the certificate was issued for the first time. Renewed type testing is not necessary if less than one (1) calendar year has passed since the certificate was withdrawn, as long as the certification or production conditions have not changed. 

6.9. Responsibility of the Certification Body

The Certification Body is responsible for ensuring that the audit of certified products against the requirements in this guideline has been carried out with appropriate care and according to its quality system procedures. 

The Certification Body bears no responsibility for the marked products (see 6.2). The Certification Body shall keep records of its decisions. 

The Certification Body shall submit an updated annex to Euroheat & Power whenever changes are made in accordance with ANNEX 5. 

6.10. Confidentiality

Euroheat & Power takes data privacy very seriously and will only use it in accordance with the EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) as well as additional data protection legislation applicable in Belgium. As Euroheat & Power’s headquarters are located in Brussels, Belgium, all legal issues arising from or related to its use shall be construed in accordance with and determined by the Belgian law. 

The information obtained by the Certification Body and the Board in the course of certification activities is confidential. However, the Board and the Certification Body have the right to:

  • publish lists of applicable certificates, including information about certificate holders, certificate number, certified products, classification and validity, 
  • make public the decisions about the withdrawal and misuse of certificates or Quality Marks. 

For GDPR purposes, the data controller is Euroheat & Power aisbl, Boulevard Brand Whitlock 87 - Brussels 1200, Belgium. 

Note: For more information on Data Protection, please consult Euroheat & Powers’ website.

6.11. Fees

The Manufacturer is responsible for the costs associated with the application, initial assessment, type tests, initial and external inspections. 

Fees for the certification and certification management, extension of the certificate’s scope and for the revision of the certificate are documented by the Certification Body in a separate price list and are borne by the Manufacturer. 

Inspection costs are settled between the manufacturer and the Certification Body while testing costs are settled between the manufacturer and Test Institute. 

Upon proposal from the Certification Board, Euroheat & Power’s Board of Directors determines the administrative fee set out in ANNEX 7 which is invoiced by Euroheat & Power to Certification Bodies. 

The fee covers the administrative cost of the certification programme. The invoices are established in accordance with the provisions in ANNEX 7. 

6.12. Appeals

Appeals against decisions concerning the certification programme and Quality Marking shall be made in writing to the Certification Body and to Euroheat & Power’s Certification Board within one (1) month of receiving notification of the decision. 

Appeals shall be investigated, and subsequent measures implemented by the Certification Board at the earliest convenience.

Annex 1


Testing, quality control and inspection programme In accordance with the annexes of relevant EN standards which set out the guideline for inspection and testing:

  • the Manufacturer through type testing verifies that the products comply with the specified requirements,  
  • through continuous quality control ensures that only products which comply with the specified requirements are labelled with the Quality Mark, - 
  • the Inspection Body through annual external inspections verifies the results from the manufacturer's quality control. 

For required items and minimum test frequency, please refer to EN 253, EN 14419 and EN 15698-1. 

Type tests shall be performed on three different pipe sizes: DN50/125, DN50/140 and DN125/225 mm. Only one (1) pipe sample from each size shall be used.

Annex 2


Testing, quality control and inspection programme 

In accordance with the annexes of the relevant EN standards which set out the guideline for inspection and testing: 

  • the Manufacturer through type testing verifies that the products comply with the specified requirements. - 
  • through continuous quality control ensures that only products which comply with the specified requirements are labelled with the Quality Mark - 
  • the Inspection Body through annual external inspections verifies the results of the manufacturer's quality control. 

For required items and minimum test frequency, please refer to EN 448, EN 488-1, EN 488-2, EN 14419 and EN 15698-2.

Annex 3


The Certification Body decides on the actions required as a result of changes to certified products based on the following principles for pipe, fitting and valve assemblies:

  • a) When the basic polyethylene raw material is changed or new material is included in the certificate, the following action shall be taken: 
  1. In accordance with PE type test requirements, all items shall be tested in a Test Institute and the results sent to the Certification Body. 
  • b) When the basic raw materials for polyurethane foam thermal insulation (polyol, isocyanate, blowing agent) are changed or a new material is to be included in the certificate, the following actions shall be taken: 
  1. In accordance with PUR-foam thermal insulation and pipe assembly type test requirements, all items shall be tested in an accredited Test Institute and results sent to the Certification Body.
Annex 4
EHP001 Application form.

To download a copy of the application form, please click here.

Please forward your application to the Certification Body of your choice. A copy shall be forwarded to Euroheat & Power’s Certification Board for information: (certification@euroheat.org )

Annex 5
Certificate Template.

To view a template of the EHP001 certificates, please click here.

Please note: EHP001 certificates can only be issued by Euroheat & Power and are only valid once they are uploaded to this website.

Annex 5 Cont.
Certificate Annex

To view a copy of the EHP001 certificate Annex, please click here.

Please note: Certificate annexes are completed by certification bodies or testing institutes once testing is complete. The documents are confidential.

Annex 6
Design of the quality mark.

To view an example of the EHP001 quality mark, please click here.

Annex 7



Fees related to certificates:


Annual administration fee

The annual administration fee is invoiced by Euroheat & Power to the Certification Bodies. This fee covers the administrative cost of the certification programme and applies to each certificate issued. It is invoiced on a yearly basis with the exception of new certificates which are invoiced on a pro rata basis. 

This fee is determined by Euroheat & Power’s Board of Directors. 

Note: The amount can be found on Euroheat & Power’s website. 

Application, certification, inspection and testing fees

The Certificate Holder is responsible for meeting the possible annual certification fee, application fee and all the costs associated with the initial and external inspections, type and spot testing and, any special inspection or testing where necessary (e.g., when dealing with non-compliance with the certification rules or with complaints). The fees are invoiced by the Certification Body, Inspection Body or Test Institute as applicable. 

Disclaimer: These fees are determined by and payable to the Certification Body, Inspection Body or Test Institute. Euroheat & Power is in no way involved and disclaims any responsibility.

Annex 8
Flowchart of the initial certification procedure

To view a flowchart of the EHP001 certification procedure, please click here.

Download application form
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How to apply

Scroll down to download the application form. Once completed, submit it to a Certification Body and send a copy to certification@euroheat.org

To acquire the Euroheat & Power certification  of Straight pre-insulated pipes (EN 253 and EN 15698-1) and fitting assemblies (EN 448 and EN 15698-2) both single and twin pipe system, with or without surveillance system (EN 14419), please follow these steps:

  1. Select a Certification Body or Test Institute from the list available on our website
  2. Submit the Application Form to the Certification Body of your choice and send a copy to certification@euroheat.org
  3. Add information about the technical data (declaration of conformity regarding type test reports, drawings, etc.) according to clause 6.3.1 of the Guidelines
  4. Provide a description of the quality control plan (procedures, test items and frequency, documentation) according to clause 6.5 of the Guidelines

Once you decide which Certification Body or Test Institute you want to work with, and send the application form to them, they will check if everything is correct. All this information will be explained to you by the Certification Body you decide to work with as well as the costs involved.
When the testing is complete, the Certification Body will submit an annex with thee relevant information to Euroheat & Power attesting that the results are in accordance with the EHP001 Certification Guideline. We will issue a certificate, provide a PDF copy to the Certification Body to share with you and upload the certificate to our website.

Application form

Download the application form and submit it to a Certification Body or Test Institute from the list.

Download form
If you have any questions, please contact
Crélida Mata
Market Intelligence Analyst