Member benefits

Contribute to defining the association's advocacy and strategies. Receive regular policy updates to shape your corporate strategy. 


Access extensive market data to support business development across EU countries and beyond.


Meet relevant policy and business stakeholders active in the sector in Europe and globally.


Leverage opportunities to profile your company towards decision makers and business partners (interview, newsletter, events)

Membership includes
Membership Type

Annual heat delivery in Tj


€ 13,559.66

General assembly

3 votes

Promote the interests of member towards EU and intl. institutions
Expertise & insights
Access to the members intranet
Monthly members e-Newsletter
Broadcast email updates
Set in the Board of Directors
Unlimited access to subscription such as the Country-by-Country publication
Access to specialised Euroheat & Power Working Groups and Task Forces
Customised support / policy briefings - EU policy developments
Access to our experts -> phone support and/or private meetings
Membership directory listing (basic: organisation, website and country)
Promotion via Euroheat & Power communications channels
Introduction/networking support from Euroheat & Power Secretariat
Networking & discounts
Invitations to participate in industry- and issue-based events year-round
Discount on Association own events and selected partner events
Interested in being part of the heating and cooling community?
DHC+ platform
Membership includes

Pricing € 8,280.67

Promote the interests of member towards EU and intl. institutions
Expertise & insights
Access to the members intranet
Monthly members e-newsletter
Broadcast email updates
Support & insight regarding access to EU reserch and innovation funding/projects
Access to DHC+ Assembly meetings and specialised Working Groups
Membership directory listing
Introduction/networking support from EuroHeat & Power secretariat
Promotion via DHC+ communications channels
Networking & discounts
Invitations to participate in industry- and issue-based events year-round
Discount on Association own events and selected partner events
Interested in being part of the heating and cooling community?