The acquire a certificate for District heating steel valves (EN 488) for pre-insulted valve assemblies) please follow these instructions:
1. Select a Certification Body or Test Institute from the list available on our website
2. Submit the Application Form to the Certification Body of your choice and send a copy to [email protected]
3. Add information about the Technical data (declaration of conformity regarding type test reports, drawings, etc.) according to clause 6.3.1 of the guidelines
4. Clearly describe the quality control plan (procedures, test items and frequency, documentation) according to clause 6.5 of the guidelines
Once you decide which Certification Body or Test Institute you want to work with, and send the application form to them, they will check if everything is correct. All this information will be explained to you by the Certification Body you decide to work with as well as the costs involved.
To better understand which documents are needed, please consult chapter 6 of the Certification Guidelines, available on our website.
When the testing is complete, the Certification Body will submit an annex with thee relevant information to Euroheat & Power attesting that the results are in accordance with the Certification Guidelines. We will issue a certificate, provide a PDF copy to the Certification Body to share with you and upload the certificate to our website.