Decarbonising district heating and cooling - Joint Policy Roundtable

Heating and cooling accounts for around half of the energy consumed in the European Union. Despite significant measures to reduce demand, residential, tertiary and industrial buildings still need heating and cooling. Greater flexibility through energy system integration and the deployment of renewables and waste heat in District Heating and Cooling (DHC) networks will contribute to delivering sustainable heating and cooling and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 without impacting the landscape.
Five EU-funded R&I projects (HYPERGRYD, Bio-FlexGen, W.E. District, REWARDHeat and SENERGY NETS) are joining forces to further increase the current momentum around DHC, supporting the transition towards more efficient, lower-temperature and highly renewable thermal grids. While developing advanced technologies for DHC, these projects are investigating barriers and opportunities at the policy level. The main findings, including conclusions from a recently published joint policy paper, will be discussed during this online joint roundtable.
1. Welcome and introduction to the topic by moderator- Marco Calderoni, R2M Solution
2. Short intro round by the 5 EU-funded projects of the cluster:
- Bio-FlexGen
- Hypergryd
- W.E. District
3. Policies for decarbonising the DHC sector
- The EC perspective: Madis Laaniste, Policy Officer, DG ENER, European Commission
- The industry’s perspective: András Takács, Policy Advisor, Euroheat & Power
- Presentation of the policy paper: Roberto Fedrizzi, Coordinator, Sustainable Heating and Cooling Systems, EURAC
4. Round table discussion