Enerhack - Euroheat & Power - DHC+ Training Initiative

The Enerhack - Euroheat & Power - DHC+ Training Initiative is a collaborative effort between Enerhack and the DHC+ (District Heating and Cooling) Platform, established under the umbrella of Euroheat & Power.

The project aims to provide comprehensive training courses focused on district heating and cooling systems, renewable heating technologies, and heating and cooling components. The courses are designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of professionals in the energy sector, including engineers, technicians, installers and business executives, who are involved in the planning, design, and operation of heating and cooling systems.


SCHEDULE: One time per month (starting from October 2023)

DURATION: 4h course (11:00-15:00 CET)


DISCOUNT: for EHP&DHC+ members discount 10%




The schedule of the upcoming courses can be found on Enerhack's website.

Upcoming events

05 - 06
Euroheat & Power Event
Euroheat & Power Summit 2024
read more & register
25 - 31 August 2024
12th international DHC+ summer school in Linz
Linz, Austria
Euroheat & Power Event
10 - 11 September 2024
10th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems
Aalborg, Denmark
Promoted Event
5 - 6 November 2024
Euroheat & Power Summit 2024
Euroheat & Power Event
3 - 5 June 2025
Euroheat & Power Congress 2025
Prague, Czech Republic
Euroheat & Power Event