Engaging citizens in community heating projects

Explore how local authorities can engage citizens in creating fossil-free heating systems and help meet EU decarbonisation targets through participatory planning and public-private partnerships.


Heating and cooling accounts for almost 80% of all energy used by households, which in turn, are responsible for 21% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions. By rethinking heating and cooling systems at local level, municipalities can have a big impact on advancing towards EU's decarbonisation targets. Planning and implementing a fossil-free heating and cooling system (such as renewable district heating and cooling) can have disruptive consequences for the community, but by involving citizens in this process, one neighbourhood at the time, municipalities can progress faster, increase acceptance and fostering local and democratic ownership of the new system. Energy communities have proved instrumental to this process, but more knoweledge and experience is needed to legitimise public-civic partnerships in this sector and make it easier for such projects to develop.

During this 1 hour and half webinar, you will discover:

  • How municipalities can support the implementation of the most recent EU legislation on buildings’ decarbonization
  • How to make your city’s heating and cooling planning more participatory
  • Tools and best practices of collaboration between municipalities and energy communities on this topic

See the agenda here

This event is organised by Energy Cities and REScoop.eu and funded by the EU Climate Fundation and the REDI4HEAT project. It has the support of the EU Covenant of Mayors Initiative.

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